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What data does ActiveLink collect or store?

ActiveLink respects your right to privacy and the confidentiality of the information we collect and hold about you. We collect only the personal information needed to give you relevant and up-to-date information on the status of your HMO coverage and other health and wellness services we may provide as part of ActiveLink’s programs.

We gather only the personal information made available to us by you, your employer, your HMO provider, and other third-party provider/s related to the services you may acquire within your HMO policy. This includes information gathered from sources such as your participation in ActiveLink and BMB IB programs and other ActiveLink projects, as well as the personal information that you provide as part of your registration and your dependents’ enrollment on the BMB Website and ActiveLink mobile application.

To know more about what data we collect and how, please refer to our Privacy Policies.

Last reviewed: July 2023

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ActiveLink coordinates with your HMO provider on administrative concerns regarding your HMO policy. We help you resolve your HMO concerns from start to end of your HMO policy. By using this service, you are agreeing to ActiveLink's data privacy and consent provisions. Please click this link to find out more.