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Resetting your password

In case you forgot your password, please follow these steps:

  • Click “Forgot Your Password?
  • Enter either the email address or registered mobile number that you used to create your account. Wait for your 6-digit verification code.
  • Enter and submit the verification code.
  • Enter a new password.

In case none of these help, you can try the following to help resolve the issue:

  • Change your browser or clear your browser’s cache.
  • Open via safe mode.
  • Access outside your office network.

Please be reminded that the BMB Platform can only be accessed via desktop browsers and requires a strong connection for optimum results.


Please let us know if one of these suggestions helped you successfully changed your password to the BMB portal. If not, kindly create a new ticket and send us a screenshot of the error you’ve encountered so our IT team can use it as a reference along with the browser and browser version you are using.

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